Prioritized Crossings – 2004 Deep, Goose and Eagle Creeks Fish Passage Assessment
293 total potential barriers were examined in the Deep, Goose, and Eagle Creek watersheds. Of these, 163 potential instream barriers were field surveyed. The remaining 130 possible barriers were not surveyed because they were situated on non-fish bearing and/or headwater reaches. Of the 163 potential barriers that were examined, 76 had some degree of blockage to fish passage (based on methods described in the Final Report). Of these 76 crossings, 37 were complete blockages and 39 were partial blockages. Full fish passage blockage occurs on crossings with jumps greater than 4 feet and a culvert gradient greater than 4%. Partial fish passage blockage occurs in culverts greater than 6 inches in diameter with a slope greater than 0.5% if adequate downstream backwatering is not present.
We prioritized 34 crossings based on habitat quality alone or habitat quality and cost of replacement.