Ongoing Stewardship and Outreach Programs

Parting with Pesticides
We all need to work together to ensure the health of our watershed by using chemicals wisely and sparingly. Pesticides have been found in water samples collected from the Clackamas River and its tributaries. Take the Pesticide Pledge now!

Stash the Trash
Each summer, Memorial Day through Labor Day, we stock popular launch spots on the Clackamas River with 6,000 Stash the Trash bags. These bags are a community resource to help people like you become the solution to pollution on the Clackamas.
Bags stocked at Milo McIver, Carver, Riverside, High Rocks and Cross Parks. Bags are also placed at Barton Convenience Store and 5 locations only accessible by boat.

Community Events
You might see the Clackamas River Basin Council hosting a table or booth at a local event. Our staff connect with the community around a variety of themes including pesticide reduction, water quality protection, and watershed health.
To learn more: Please contact CRBC’s Dakota Hufford at 503-303-4372 or

Guest Presentations
Clackamas River Basin Council staff often provide educational presenations at schools, community groups, partner meetings, workshops, conferences, and other local or regional events.
Interested in a presentation?: Please contact CRBC’s Amy Barton at 503-303-4372 or

Interpretive Signs
The Clackamas River Basin Council has created a series of permenant interpretive signs along the Clackamas River. CRBC designed the signs to educate park users about the Clackamas watershed, history and natural heritage of the region, salmon life cycle and habitat needs, native and invasive plants, and how individuals can support watershed health. Signs can be found at Barton Park, Carver Boat Ramp, Eagle Fern Park, and Metzler Park.