Current In-Stream Restoration Projects

Beebe Island Side Channel
Introducing the Beebe Island Side Channel Reconnection Project! This project will increase and improve habitat for threatened and endangered native fish species. CRBC plans to enhance the connection of an existing side channel, install large wood habitat structures, create one or two alcoves, and restore a degraded riparian area.
Status: Planning and design phase, construction in 2025

“J” Creek Side Channel
In summer of 2023, CRCB constructed the “J” Creek Side Channel Reconnection project along the Clackamas River. The project involved restoring a historic side channel and its riparian habitat off Clackamas River Drive downriver from Carver Park. This side channel creates vital habitat for fish and wildlife.
Status: Construction completed in 2023

South Fork Clackamas River Large Wood Enhancement
In summer of 2023, CRCB and partners from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Oregon Fish and Wildlife and Portland General Electric created spawning and rearing habitat for threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead using tipped fire-killed trees at the South Fork Clackamas – Clackamas River confluence.
Status: Construction completed in 2023

CTWS Side Channel
We are working with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs to restore riparian conditions that have been severely impacted by ongoing trespassing at this site. Our work will remove roads and vehicle access to the area and extensively plant site with native vegetation.
Status: Construction in summer 2024

Little Eagle Creek Culvert Replacement
Spearheaded by CRBC Board Member Dave Bugni, a 50-year old culvert was removed and replaced, satisfying the Oregon Private Forest Accord and opening up 4 miles of stream habitat for migratory fish.
Status: Construction completed in 2022

Sieben-Riverbend Side Channel Reconnection
In summer of 2022, the Clackamas River Basin Council completed the Sieben Riverbend Side Channel Enhancement project along the Clackamas River. The project involved restoring a historic side channel and its riparian habitat at the confluence of Sieben Creek with the Clackamas River. This side channel will create vital habitat for fish and wildlife.
Status: Construction finished in summer 2022, planting in 2022 and 2023, monitoring ongoing.

Kingfisher Side Channel Reconnection
At Milo McIver State Park at the Kingfisher Campground, the Clackamas River Basin Council reconnected an historic side channel off the main-stem of the Clackamas River. This side channel will provide year-round habitat for juvenile threatened and endangered fish and other wildlife.
Status: Construction completed in 2021, planting completed in 2022, monitoring ongoing.

Eagle Creek Large Wood Enhancement
At Bonnie Lure State Park near Estacada, the Clackamas River Basin Council staged over 150 logs on Eagle Creek’s side channels to improve habitat conditions for Coho salmon, spring and fall Chinook salmon and pacific lamprey.
Status: Construction completed in 2020, planting completed in 2022, monitoring ongoing.
Completed Restoration Projects