Great Backyard Bird Count

Great Backyard Bird Count – Clackamas, OR This content is generated from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Participating is easy, fun to do alone or with others, and can be done anywhere you find birds. Step 1: Decide where you will watch birds. Step 2: Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days, February

Upper Clackamas Cleanup

Upper Clackamas Cleanup: 40 Volunteers Unite to Protect Our Rivers on National Public Lands Day On September 28, 2024, the Clackamas River Basin Council (CRBC) teamed up with the U.S. Forest Service and a passionate group of 40 volunteers to tackle litter and pollution at 26 dispersed campsites along the Clackamas and Collawash Rivers. By

North Fork Eagle Creek Fish Habitat Project

North Fork Eagle Creek Fish Habitat Project October 25, 2024 Estacada, OR – In the summer of 2024, the Clackamas River Basin Council (CRBC) restored stretches of the North Fork Eagle and Bear Creeks with large wood to improve habitat for threatened and endangered native fish species.   CRBC Board Member Dave Bugni served as the

Native Bats of the Clackamas

Native Bats of the Clackamas Oregon’s native bats are hard at work protecting our local ecosystem. Here in the Clackamas Watershed, several species help keep insect populations in check and contribute to the region’s biodiversity. Oregon has 15 native bat species (no known invasive bats) but not all of them are found in the Clackamas

The Lifeline of Anadromous Fish: Understanding the Vital Role of Side Channel Habitat in the Clackamas River

The Clackamas River, winding its way through the scenic landscapes of Oregon, is not just flowing water; it’s the lifeline for anadromous fish species like salmon and steelhead. These remarkable creatures embark on incredible journeys, traversing thousands of miles from the ocean to their freshwater spawning grounds. However, their survival hinges not just on the

Let’s Get Bonatical Together!

Let’s Get Bonatical Together! It’s Pride Month and we hope you’ll be part of our iNaturalist group called Let’s Get Botanical Together! Please join and share your botanical observations. Why celebrate Pride Month in nature? Nature is a sanctuary, but not all experiences in the outdoors are not created equally; assurances of safety and lack

We’ll build it; they will come

By Bill Monroe The jury may still be out, but the evidence is mounting. Partnerships on the Clackamas River are resulting in significant successes for wild fish, defying perceptions of fish-killing dams. The secret is in partnerships. Witness this excerpted 2023 report from PGE’s Clackamas Project at North Fork Dam, from senior scientist Nick Ackerman:

Chum Salmon Surveying using eDNA

Chum Salmon Surveying using eDNA Kelcee L. Smith, Ph.D.Chum Salmon Reintroduction CoordinatorOregon Department of Fish and Wildlife At one time, Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) were one of the most encountered salmonids in theLower Columbia River, but today, they are one of the rarest. To find these fish and restore their populations, the Program to Restore