The Lifeline of Anadromous Fish: Understanding the Vital Role of Side Channel Habitat in the Clackamas River

The Clackamas River, winding its way through the scenic landscapes of Oregon, is not just flowing water; it’s the lifeline for anadromous fish species like salmon and steelhead. These remarkable creatures embark on incredible journeys, traversing thousands of miles from the ocean to their freshwater spawning grounds. However, their survival hinges not just on the

2023-24 Shade Our Streams Program

Another round of Shade Our Streams in the Clackamas Watershed Clackamas River Basin Council is launching a new riparian restoration effort in the Deep Creek watershed, supported by Portland General Electric’s Clackamas Habitat Fund. The 50 square mile Deep Creek watershed in the lower Clackamas River basin, which includes parts of the communities of Barton,

CRBC’s New Free Webinar Series

Introducing a 30-minute lunch hour webinar series to help PNW residents protect drinking water quality and wildlife habitats at home Clackamas, OR – The Clackamas River Basin Council is offering a 6-month series of free 30-minute webinars to help locals protect drinking water quality and wildlife habitats in their own yards. During November 2023 to

Halloween and No Ivy Day

On Oct 28, come as you are (or as you aren’t!) to a Halloween themed Work Party Oregon City, OR – The Clackamas River Basin Council is looking for volunteers to help save trees from invasive English ivy along the Clackamas River in Oregon City. To celebrate Halloween, costumes are encouraged – but optional. English

Chum Salmon Surveying using eDNA

Chum Salmon Surveying using eDNA Kelcee L. Smith, Ph.D.Chum Salmon Reintroduction CoordinatorOregon Department of Fish and Wildlife At one time, Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) were one of the most encountered salmonids in theLower Columbia River, but today, they are one of the rarest. To find these fish and restore their populations, the Program to Restore

South Fork Clackamas River – Project Update

Content in this project announcement provided by Kari McClellan, U.S. Forest Service South Fork Clackamas River Habitat Restoration Project The Clackamas River Basin Council and partners are working on the South Fork Clackamas River Habitat Restoration Project in the summer of 2023. This project involves tipping 50 fire-killed trees over an area of 0.2 miles

Sieben-Riverbend Restoration Project Update

In late February this site was replanted by contractors, and later this coming fall a different contractor will be enlisted to clear English ivy and clematis from trees in the floodplain. This project would not be possible without our fantastic partnership with the Oregon Water Enhancement Board (OWEB) and community members like you! Want to
