Wildfire Pub Talk
Join us for an afternoon of learning and discussion on wildfires at The Cazadero Steakhouse in Estacada!
Bring the family and any wildfire related questions!
When: December 8, 2:30-4:30pm
Where: The Cazadero Steakhouse
352 OR-211
Estacada, 97023
Register through form:
Julia Eden – My education began in the forest. Living in the woods introduced me to the magic of water. Alpine glacial runoff filled my rivers and bathed me into new skin. Since then I have dedicated my time to recreating the wonders of the deep woods for the benefit of the Earth. I studied native plants of the Pacific Northwest under my mentor, Beth Bluemmel of Echo Valley Native Nursery, for several years, and continue to work with her on the propagation and spread of natives. But I know the Earth is a holistic system, so I went in search of an educator who could complete the picture for me. I found that practitioner in Zach Weiss, and his Water Stories Core Course. I now have the understanding and confidence to wander the landscape creating positive change. I have always been a writer and still dedicate a lot of my time to writing articles, books, and media pitches about decentralized water retention, holistic land management, and plants, but I am looking forward to working more with DIYers as well as expanding my educational offerings. I had spent years finding everything I could about Sepp Holzer and his methods when Zach Weiss announced the Water Stories Core Course. And it was so much more than I ever expected! Not only did I learn all about how to take Sepp’s ideas from theory to practice, I was also introduced to a whole world of water regeneration and holistic land management. Combining this knowledge with my plant expertise allows me to understand how the systems are meant to interact with one another, and then turn that knowledge into action. These days I’m focused on spreading information through writing and education, as well as working with DIYers on their own land projects.
Glenn Ahrens – Extension Forester, Oregon State University Extension Service, Clackamas, Marion, and Hood River Counties, and Director, OSU Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative. His general mission for OSU Extension is to improve our knowledge of forest resources and options for sustaining and expanding benefits from forests. Glenn has a B.S. in Forestry from Humboldt State University (1982) and an M.S. in Forest Science from Oregon State University (1990). He has over 30 years of experience in research, Extension, and private consulting. Glenn’s areas of specialty include forest ecology, silviculture, vegetation management, and hardwood management.