Rain Garden Workshop
Register now for our first ever Rain Garden Workshop! There are two sessions; the first is on Zoom and the second is in person. Both sessions will be recorded for anyone who wishes to attend but cannot make the meeting times.
Both session 1 and 2 are free admission.
Session 1: Introduction to Rain Gardens – this event is past, the recording is below:
Amy Barton and Lora Price provide an overview of rainwater, ideas on ways to manage rainwater, conserve water and protect water quality.
Session 2: Rain Garden and Bioswale Design
Location: Clackamas Community College ELC
When: Saturday, May 13th, 2023 from 9 am – noon am
Join us in person and we will help you assess your site for rain garden planning and design. We will also provide the nuts and bolts for how to construct your rain garden including underground and overland ways of connecting them, planting and maintaining them, challenges, constraints and rain garden alternatives. We will wrap up the session with a tour of the rain gardens at the ELC.
**Note: max 50 attendees for the in-person session, register early to hold your space.
Register here:
This workshop series is made possible with support from our partners: