Pub Talk: Current Research in The Clackamas Basin


Join CRBC for an exciting night of drinks, friends and a discussion about water quality and wildlife in the Clackamas Watershed!

More details on presentations and speakers below registration form!

When: Friday, February 23rd 5:30 – 7:30

Mingle & chat 5:30-6pm, presentation 6-7pm, Q&A 7-7:30pm

Where: Corner 14

508 14th St. Oregon City, OR 97045


Family friendly, located in a taproom but minors are welcome – Let us know if you plan to attend by filling out the form below 🙂


David Bugni –

David Bugni graduated from Oregon State University with a BS in Civil Engineering and a MS in
Structural Engineering and Mechanics from the University of California, Berkeley. He practiced civil and structural engineering for over 30 years. David is the Board Chair of the Clackamas River Basin Council, a member of the Clackamas County Climate Action Task Force, a member of the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Adaptive Management Program Committee for the Private Forest Accord and their Committee for Family Forestlands.

Presentation & Research – 

A basin-wide, stream temperature data gathering, geospatial network analysis of stream temperatures incorporating 15 covariates with salmonid-related parameters map overlays (thermal tolerance, distribution and High Intrinsic Potential) project is currently underway within the Clackamas River basin. This project is being performed by a consortium of public and private entities, including Portland State University, the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife and the Clackamas River Basin Council. The answers to two research questions are goals of this study: 1) Which combination of variables best explains spatial variation in stream temperature across the basin and at what scales, and 2) Can spatial modeling provide insights into the watershed’s thermal regimes and inform future monitoring and habitat restoration strategies?

Kelcee Smith, ODFW –

Dr. Kelcee Smith is the Chum Salmon Reintroduction Coordinator for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and works with her team to restore Chum Salmon to their historical habitats. She has over 10 years of experience working with a wide variety of threatened and endangered species.

Presentation & Research –

A hundred years ago, Chum Salmon were common in the Clackamas River, and they were often caught by tribes and local Oregonians. But until 2023, Chum Salmon haven’t been seen in the Clackamas River for more than 40 years. What happened to all the Chum and what has changed in the Clackamas River?