Crossing CL120 / CV3258

Clear and Foster Creek 2002 Fish Passage Assessment


Watershed: Clear Creek

Stream: T Clear Ck.

Road: Gerber

Latitude: 45.3664838498

Longitude: -122.4431879226

Elevation: 403 ft

Ownership: County

Fish Presence: fish present

Survey date: 07/16/2002


Crossing Description

Type: round culvert

Number of culverts at crossing: 2

Condition: 4.0 years left

Diameter: 24.0 in

Length: 40.0 ft

Crossing slope: 0.5 %

Backwater drop: – 0.9 ft

Inlet elev: -0.2 ft

Avg. fill height: 3.7 ft

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type: low gradient, small floodplain

Catchment acreage: 171

Avg. channel slope: 1.5%

Avg. bankfull width: 4.5 ft

Dist from Clackamas R.: 4.2 miles

Upstream fish-bearing length: 1774.4 ft

Dominant channel substrate: none recorded

Comments: 1 of 2 culverts. Barrels choked w/ grass. Rusted w/edge damage. Channel goes around bermed pond on side. Inlet water starts about 100 ft upstream.

Prioritization and Cost Information

Fish passage: partial

Habitat priority: 32

Habitat and cost priority: 35

Fix solution: culvert w/ simulated streambed

Span: 5.0 ft

Material: metal

Design NA

Materials NA

Install NA

Contingencies NA

Total $69,500.00