Fishing on the Clackamas

By Brian Chou I may be a little biased in saying this, but I’d like to think that we as residents of the Pacific Northwest, live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. Every day I am humbled to see the natural landscape, topography, and depth as I look towards the horizon.

Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Program

Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Program By Jessica Rinner, Civil Engineering Supervisor, Clackamas Water Environment Services. Additional water in the wastewater system may seem like a minor concern, but this extra or clean water can cause big problems for homeowners, cities, service districts and the environment. Sanitary sewers are sized appropriately

Stream Temperatures Across the Clackamas River Basin

Thank you to CRBC Board Member Dave Bugni for contributing this post. The importance of temperature in defining aquatic environments is arguably second only to the presence of water. Beginning in the summer of 2021, the Clackamas River Basin Council (CRBC) in concert with Portland State University (PSU) and other organizations began to systematically deploy

Carli Creek Regional Stormwater Wetland

Carli Creek Regional Stormwater Wetland Thank you to CRBC Board Member Gail Shaloum for contributing this post. Gail Shaloum is the Natural Resource Scientist for Clackamas Water Environment Services. The Carli Creek regional stormwater wetland is located on a 15- acre patch of land in unincorporated Clackamas County wedged between industrial properties and the Clackamas

Stash the Trash is Back!

Stash the Trash is Back! Clackamas, OR – After a busy Fourth of July holiday weekend, the Clackamas River basin Council reminds river users to please Stash the Trash when recreating along the Clackamas River. Every summer, the Clackamas River Basin Council brings out their free reusable bags and stocks them on bags stands at popular Clackamas

Pacific Lamprey in the Clackamas River

Pacific Lamprey in the Clackamas River Thank you to CRBC Board Member Nick Ackerman for contributing this post. The start of summer means that Pacific Lamprey are on the move in the Clackamas River. Lampreys are a strange looking fish at first sight. Eel-like with a round suction-cup mouth and sharp teeth; pores instead of

NOAA Fisheries Services Investing $1.2M in CRBC Habitat Restoration Projects

NOAA Fisheries Recommends $3.8M in Funding for Clackamas partnership projects,$1.2M to fund projects along the Clackamas River May 1, 2023 Clackamas, OR – On April 22nd, 2023, NOAA Fisheries Services announced its intent to award $3.8M for fisheries restoration projects to the Clackamas Partnership, a Focused Investment Partnership of more than 15 Portland metropolitan organizations.