Events Calendar

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Date(s) - 08/17/2023
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


The Clackamas River Basin Council hosts monthly Council Meetings the third Thursday of every month from 6:00-8:30 pm. Meetings switch every other month between in-person (location varies) and on Zoom. These meetings are open to the public and community members are encouraged to attend!

Please RSVP with Cheryl at CHERYL@CLACKAMASRIVER.ORG or call 503-303-4372 x100. Cheryl will send meeting location if in person or Zoom link if the meeting is virtual. Meeting agendas and minutes are available by request or can be found below. Also let us know if you would like to receive monthly meeting agendas by email.

Meeting schedule for 2023 is as follows:

  • January 19, 2023 In-person*
  • February 16, 2023 Committee Meetings – Zoom
  • March 16, 2023 In-person*
  • April 20, 2023  Committee Meetings – Zoom
  • May 18, 2023  In-person*
  • June 15, 2023   Committee Meetings – Zoom
  • July 20, 2023  In-person*
  • August 17, 2023 Committee Meetings – Zoom
  • September 21, 2023 In-person*
  • October 19, 2023 Committee Meetings – Zoom
  • November 16, 2023 In-person*
  • December 14 or 21, 2023 Committee Meetings – Zoom

*Venue TBD

Watch Recordings from Previous Workshops and Webinars

Missed a webinar or workshop? No sweat! you can watch the recordings through YouTube, or on our website.