Equity and Inclusion
CRBC Mission: Foster partnerships for clean water and to improve fish and wildlife habitat for all who live, work and recreate in the Clackamas basin.
Basin-wide Conservation to Benefit All
The Clackamas River Basin Council, its Board of Directors and staff are committed to building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into everything our mission represents – from how we design restoration and outreach programs to how we grow our organization.
We believe that all are entitled to clean drinking water and a healthy functioning environment, but we recognize that the burden of habitat loss and environmental destruction impacts communities disproportionately. We believe that we cannot have a resilient ecosystem until all identities and voices are included.
Fostering partnerships is at the heart of our mission. We are dedicated to forming new and nourishing existing relationships with valued and diverse organizations and individuals representing underserved and overburdened communities so we can listen and understand.
While our restoration and conservation efforts are geographically focused within the Clackamas watershed, we promote our basin as a place for all with resources that can benefit diverse rural and urban communities in and outside our watershed. We are committed to leveraging our position as an environmental conservation organization to improve the wellbeing of the community through on-the-ground restoration, monitoring, outreach, and education and we will seek voices of community members of all interests, socioeconomic backgrounds, ages, races, ethnicities, and gender identities.
We understand that we have power and privilege as the sole Clackamas River watershed council. We pledge to use this privilege to create a conservation community that advances equitable environmental principles.

Land Designation
The Clackamas River basin has been home to native peoples for millennia. It is originally the territory of the Clackamas, Chinook, Molalla, Kalapuya, and other peoples, and is currently recognized as lands of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs, and other Native Peoples who may not be federally recognized. We thank those who came before us for their stewardship of these lands and waters and those who continue to steward them now and in the future.
Image right source: Native Digital Land
CRBC at Work and in the Community
Working with the Community
When selecting contractors for riparian restoration programs, CRB’s evaluation criteria includes considerations such as documented status as women-owned, minority-owned, and/or emerging business to support these community partners.
Practices and Policies for Working at CRBC
CRBC’s Personnel Handbook outlines legal policies regarding pay, vacation, and other job related logistics including anti-harassment, workplace safety, disability accommodation, equal pay, and more.
Upon hire, CRBC provides new employees with our Personnel Handbook as part of their orientation onto our team.