Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment

Watershed:   Goose Creek

Stream:   Goose Creek

Road:   Private Rd

Latitude:   45.36357391

Longitude:   -122.3617381

Elevation:   323 feet

Ownership:   Private

Fish Use:   Anadromous

Type:   Round metal culvert pipes (2)

Slope:   -3.3%

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type:   Ditched Channel

Catchment acreage:   2,022

Avg. bankfull width:   17 feet

Distance from Clackamas R.:   1.9 miles

Upstream fish-bearing length:   3.4 miles

Comments:   Crossing GS006B (two round CMP; 3.5’ and 4’ in diameter) is located immediately downstream of crossing GS006A. Both sites serve parallel driveways.     

Prioritization and Cost Information

Degree of fish passage blockage:   Partial

Habitat priority:   27

Habitat and cost priority:   13

Fix solution:   Low Profile Arch

Span:   See details ft

Rise:   ft

Length:   12 ft

Fill Height (ft):   1.0 ft

Utilities concerns:   Must be utilities buried on at least one of these structures to serve private homes

Traffic volume:   Light, but daily

Total Estimated Project Cost:   $40,000
