Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment
Watershed: Eagle Creek |
Stream: NF Eagle Creek |
Road: Private Rd |
Latitude: 45.32920429 |
Longitude: -122.1857554 |
Elevation: 1,226 feet |
Ownership: Private |
Fish Use: Anadromous |
Type: Dam |
Slope: n/a |
Habitat Description
Channel habitat type: Low gradient |
Catchment acreage: 5,784 |
Avg. bankfull width: n/a feet |
Distance from Clackamas R.: 13.4 miles |
Upstream fish-bearing length: 11.1 miles |
Comments: Not surveyed due to denied access |
Prioritization and Cost Information
Degree of fish passage blockage: Complete |
Habitat priority: 1 |
Habitat and cost priority: 1 |
Fix solution: Assume Fish Ladder |
Span: ft |
Rise: ft |
Length: ft |
Fill Height (ft): ft |
Utilities concerns: |
Traffic volume: |
Total Estimated Project Cost: No data
Field Photos