Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment

Watershed:   Eagle Creek Stream:   Currin Creek Road:   SE Frog Pond Ln
Latitude:   45.33798008 Longitude:   -122.3582829 Elevation:   329 feet
Ownership:   County Fish Use:   Anadromous Type:   Round metal culvert pipes (3)
Slope:   LB: 1.7% Center: 1.7% RB: 1.2%

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type:   Low gradient Catchment acreage:   3,436
Avg. bankfull width:   21 feet Distance from Clackamas R.:   1.9 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length:   10.9 miles
Comments:   This crossing on a privately maintained road is a partial barrier on lower Currin Creek with three culverts. One of the three culverts (all culverts = 5′ dia. CMP) is a complete barrier and the other two are partial barriers because of a high outlet jump height and steep culvert slope     

Prioritization and Cost Information

Degree of fish passage blockage:   Partial Habitat priority:   6 Habitat and cost priority:   20
Fix solution:   Bridge Span:   See details ft Rise:   n/a ft
Length:   42 ft Fill Height (ft):   7 ft Utilities concerns:   Probably has UG utilities passing over
Traffic volume:   Light, but daily

Total Estimated Project Cost:   $260,000

Field Photos
