Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment
Watershed: Deep Creek
Stream: Deep Creek
Road: n/a
Latitude: 45.35129284
Longitude: -122.3003503
Elevation: 719 ft (weirs); 738 ft (dam)
Ownership: Private
Fish Use: Anadromous
Type: Weirs/Dam
Slope: n/a
Habitat Description
Channel habitat type: Moderate gradient mod. confined
Catchment acreage: 3,000
Avg. bankfull width: n/a feet
Distance from Clackamas R.: 9.2 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length: 8.4 miles
Comments: DPD05 consists of a 30-foot high dam with a fish ladder running up its face (DPD05Top) and four weirs downstream (DPD05Bot) that raise the channel. The weirs are partial barriers because each rises one to two feet above the water level and is 2-feet wide at the top. The fish ladder jump pools are 5-feet long, which can be short depending on the fish species and size. The fish ladder’s jump heights are also tall at 1.2 feet. The landowner is interested in working with the council and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to improve the barrier as much as possible.
Prioritization and Cost Information
Degree of fish passage blockage: Partial
Habitat priority: 7 (weirs); 8 (dam)
Habitat and cost priority: 3 (weirs); 32 (dam)
Fix solution: 4-6 rock wiers; Fish ladder
Span: n/a ft
Rise: n/a ft
Length: n/a ft
Fill Height (ft): None ft
Utilities concerns: None
Traffic volume: None
Total Estimated Project Cost: $19,000 (weirs); $3,000,000 (fish ladder)