Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment

Watershed:   Deep Creek Stream:   NF Deep Creek Road:   n/a
Latitude:   45.42727677 Longitude:   -122.3607487 Elevation:   512 feet
Ownership:   Private Fish Use:   Anadromous Type:   Dam
Slope:   n/a

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type:   Low gradient moderately confined Catchment acreage:   6,118
Avg. bankfull width:   61 feet Distance from Clackamas R.:   5.8 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length:   15.9 miles
Comments:   This barrier is a dam on private property on the North Fork Deep Creek upstream of DPD01 and DP026A. It is a partial barrier to fish passage from June to October when the landowner has the spillboards in place. The landowner manages the spillboards by removing them in early October and installing them after mid-June. When the spillboards are out this crossing does not represent a barrier to fish passage.     

Prioritization and Cost Information

Degree of fish passage blockage:   Partial Habitat priority:   5 Habitat and cost priority:   8
Fix solution:   Option 1: Fish Ladder; Option 2: Alternate Fish Passage Route/Weirs Span:   n/a ft Rise:   n/a ft
Length:   n/a ft Fill Height (ft):   None ft Utilities concerns:   None
Traffic volume:   None

Total Estimated Project Cost:   Option 1: $600,000; Option 2: $100,000
