Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment

Watershed:   Deep Creek

Stream:   Tickle Creek

Road:   Private Rd

Latitude:   45.40698465

Longitude:   -122.3184232

Elevation:   532 feet

Ownership:   Private

Fish Use:   Anadromous

Type:   Metal pipe arch (3)

Slope:   6.1%

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type:   Moderate gradient mod. confined

Catchment acreage:   2,773

Avg. bankfull width:   15 feet

Distance from Clackamas R.:   7.3 miles

Upstream fish-bearing length:   7.7 miles

Comments:   The crossing has three culverts (pipe arch 5’3″x3’6″; pipe arch 5’4″x3’4″; CMP 3′ dia). All three are partial to complete barriers to fish passage. The two culverts (pipe arches) that receive the most flow have slopes at or over 4%. The third culvert (CMP) is less steep at 2%, but is also above the water level from summer through late fall. It and the middle culvert are rusted through their bottoms.     

Prioritization and Cost Information

Degree of fish passage blockage:   Partial

Habitat priority:   10

Habitat and cost priority:   5

Fix solution:   Low Profile Arch

Span:   See details ft

Rise:   ft

Length:   24 ft

Fill Height (ft):   1.8 ft

Utilities concerns:   May have UG utilities; there are a few house located past this point

Traffic volume:   Light, but daily

Total Estimated Project Cost:   $36,000

Field Photos