Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment

Watershed:   Deep Creek Stream:   NF Deep Creek Road:   Abandoned private rd
Latitude:   45.42874489 Longitude:   -122.371686 Elevation:   487 feet
Ownership:   Private Fish Use:   Anadromous Type:   Round metal culvert pipe (1)
Slope:   -1.2%

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type:   Low gradient confined Catchment acreage:   6,549
Avg. bankfull width:   23 feet Distance from Clackamas R.:   5.1 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length:   16.6 miles
Comments:   This crossing is an unused bridge/culvert on the North Fork Deep Creek, not far upstream from the wastewater facility’s weir. It is on privately-owned, industrial property. The bridge portion of the crossing is a log-spanner with approximately 15 feet of fill and vegetation growing on top. A metal culvert sits underneath the log spanners. The pipe has become a partial barrier because a beaver dam and other debris have blocked its inlet resulting in a 2.5-foot jump that fish have to clear to exit the pipe. The pipe appears to be an old steam boiler, partially squashed, with an aapproximate width of 9’8″ and an approx height of 7′. The pipe is set so that the slope is negative (the pipe is completely backwatered)     

Prioritization and Cost Information

Degree of fish passage blockage:   Partial Habitat priority:   4 Habitat and cost priority:   19
Fix solution:   Bridge Span:   9.7 ft Rise:   7 ft
Length:   45 ft Fill Height (ft):   15 ft Utilities concerns:   Probably none
Traffic volume:   None (unused)

Total Estimated Project Cost:   $265,000
