Crossing CL209
Clear and Foster Creek 2002 Fish Passage Assessment
Watershed: Clear Creek
Stream: Clear Ck.
Road: Pipe in Clear Ck.
Latitude: 45.3039579202 Longitude: -122.4195638625
Elevation: 337 ft
Ownership: Private
Fish Presence: fish present
Survey date: 07/03/2002
Crossing Description Type: pipe in creek
Condition: unknown
Diameter: unavailable
Length: unknown
Crossing slope: unknown
Habitat Description
Channel habitat type: low gradient, large floodplain
Catchment acreage: 28,254
Dist from Clackamas R.: 11.9 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length: 64.6 miles
Dominant channel substrate: none recorded
Comments: Rotweilers on shore.
Measurements taken w/ clinometer and stadia rod.
Profile Prioritization and Cost Information
Fish passage: partial
Habitat priority: 1
Habitat and cost priority: 1
Fix solution: roughened channel
Span: 10.0 ft
Material: rock w/ concrete sides
Design $2,000 Materials $0 Install $3,730 Contingencies $1,719 Total $7,449.00