Xmas Tree Placement Work Party – August 6!
It’s Christmas in August! For the river anyway. You are invited to join the Clackamas River Basin Council and our amazing partners Trout Unlimited and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in placing Christmas trees as shelter for juvenile fish. Volunteers are needed to carry, tie, and secure trees.
Please bring your favorite work gloves, rubber boots, hip waders (optional). Activities will take place in or near water, so be prepared to get wet. Volunteers will be carrying trees which are likely to brush up against clothing. Dress in outdoor apparel.
Tools provided!
Date: Sunday, August 6 2023
Time: 9:00 AM to Noon
Location: McIver Park, the end of the disc golf parking lot
Sign-up for the event by emailing dakota@clackamasriver.org or fill out our registration form below: