Clear and Foster Creek 2002 Fish Passage Assessment
Watershed: Clear Creek
Stream: T Clear Ck.
Road: unknown
Latitude: 45.1474873652
Longitude: -122.2787532469
Elevation: 2566 ft
Ownership: USA
Fish Presence: fish present
Survey date: 06/11/2002
Crossing Description
Type: round culvert
Condition: +5.0 years left
Diameter: 31.0 in
Length: 75.0 ft
Crossing slope: 1.8 %
Avg. embedded: no material
Inlet design: non-mitered
Backwater drop: + 3.2 ft
Inlet elev: -0.6 ft
Avg. fill height: 16.4 ft
Road width: 21.0 ft
Habitat Description
Channel habitat type: very steep headwater
Catchment acreage: 215
Avg. channel slope: 8.2%
Avg. bankfull width: 12.5 ft
Dist from Clackamas R.: 29.9 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length: 1691.6 ft
Dominant channel substrate: boulder – cobble
Comments: A 40 ft waterfall 250 ft upstream of inlet. Solution – Culvert had marginal jump + slope plus length over 50 ft. 15 ft wide with dirt piled on vs. bridge 60 ft in long.
Prioritization and Cost Information
Fish passage: no
Habitat priority: 69
Habitat and cost priority: 76
Fix solution: Open slab
Span: 20.0 ft
Material: concrete
Design $5,000
Materials $94,800
Install $22,600
Contingencies $35,370
Total $157,770.00