Clear and Foster Creek 2002 Fish Passage Assessment
Watershed: Clear Creek
Stream: unknown
Road: Hattan
Latitude: 45.3521350346
Longitude: -122.4912848111
Elevation: 310 ft
Ownership: County
Fish Presence: fish present
Survey date: 06/26/2002
Crossing Description
Type: box culvert
Condition: 4.0 years left
Diameter: 24.0 x 36.0 in
Length: 36.0 ft
Crossing slope: 1.3 %
Backwater drop: + 1.2 ft
Avg. fill height: 8.7 ft
Habitat Description
Channel habitat type: moderate gradient, moderately confined
Catchment acreage: 363
Avg. channel slope: 2.9%
Avg. bankfull width: 5.0 ft
Dist from Clackamas R.: 4.8 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length: 3277.0 ft
Dominant channel substrate: none recorded
Comments: Barbed wire and blackberry mess. Runs into wetland in field. Runs from field to field. Solution – Because of concrete lining likely to have velocity problems. Round culvert, embedded, 40 ft long placed at stream grade. County estimate based on open box.
Prioritization and Cost Information
Fish passage: no
Habitat priority: 24
Habitat and cost priority: 21
Fix solution: culvert w/ simulated streambed
Span: 6.0 ft
Material: metal
Design NA
Materials NA
Install NA
Contingencies NA
Total $50,000.00