Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment
Watershed: Eagle Creek
Stream: Bear Creek
Road: SE Kleinsmith Rd
Latitude: 45.33626542
Longitude: -122.2291767
Elevation: 1,130 feet
Ownership: County
Fish Use: Resident
Type: Round metal culvert pipe (1)
Slope: 0.7%
Habitat Description
Channel habitat type: High gradient, confined
Catchment acreage: 1,250
Avg. bankfull width: 10 feet
Distance from Clackamas R.: 9.6 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length: 2.9 miles
Comments: This crossing (CMP, dia = 4′) is a complete barrier to passage on Bear Creek under Kleinsmith Road. Though it has a fairly long length and is undersized compared to the average bankfull channel width, the primary cause of blockage to passage is a boulder strengthened wood barrier at the inlet that creates a ponding feature for the neighbor’s landscaping. Removal of this barricade would facilitate fish passage, dropping this crossings priority ranking considerably.
Prioritization and Cost Information
Degree of fish passage blockage: Complete
Habitat priority: 31
Habitat and cost priority: 25
Fix solution: Culvert Stream Simulation
Span: 4 ft
Rise: ft
Length: 57 ft
Fill Height (ft): 4.1 ft
Utilities concerns: Probably has UG utilities passing over
Traffic volume: Moderate
Total Estimated Project Cost: $68,000
Field Photos