Deep, Goose, Eagle 2004 Fish Passage Assessment
Watershed: Eagle Creek
Stream: Currin Creek
Road: SE Talons Rd
Latitude: 45.33403933
Longitude: -122.3529191
Elevation: 376 feet
Ownership: County
Fish Use: Resident
Type: Round metal culvert pipes (2)
Slope: RB: 0.6% LB: 0.8%
Habitat Description
Channel habitat type: Low gradient
Catchment acreage: 2,517
Avg. bankfull width: 7 feet
Distance from Clackamas R.: 2.3 miles
Upstream fish-bearing length: 10.4 miles
Comments: This crossing is a partial barrier on Talons Road over Currin Creek. It is a double culvert crossing with a high outlet jump and borderline culvert slopes. The crossing is not of adequate size to handle the seasonal flows and routinely backs up over the road. This site is combined with EG009B in the same spreadsheet. Crossing consists of two 48″ CMP.
Prioritization and Cost Information
Degree of fish passage blockage: Partial
Habitat priority: 18
Habitat and cost priority: 6
Fix solution: Culvert Stream Simulation
Span: 4 ft
Rise: ft
Length: 25 ft
Fill Height (ft): 0.88 ft
Utilities concerns: May have UG utilities; there are a few house located past this point
Traffic volume: Light, but daily
Total Estimated Project Cost: $23,000