Crossing FO003 / CV3262

Clear and Foster Creek 2002 Fish Passage Assessment


Watershed: Foster Creek

Stream: Foster Ck.

Road: Gerber

Latitude: 45.3766175628

Longitude: -122.4421943441

Elevation: 236 ft

Ownership: County

Fish Presence: fish present

Survey date: 07/11/2002

Crossing Description

Type: pipe arch

Condition: 2.0 years left

Diameter: 72.0 x 96.0 in

Length: 105.0 ft

Crossing slope: 0.3 %

Avg. fill height: 31.0 ft

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type: low gradient, confined

Catchment acreage: 1,963

Avg. channel slope: 0.9%

Avg. bankfull width: 25.0 ft

Dist from Clackamas R.: 1.0 miles

Upstream fish-bearing length: 4.0 miles

Dominant channel substrate: none recorded

Comments: Inlet has log jam. Outlet has concrete slab creating sheeting. Saw lamprey that could not make it up culvert. Solution – Concrete sheet at outlet impedes migration. Because of the small capacity, retrofit options are limited but could work in this gradient range. County estimate.

Prioritization and Cost Information

Fish passage: partial

Habitat priority: 6

Habitat and cost priority: 43

Fix solution: bridge

Span: 30.0 ft

Material: varied

Design NA

Materials NA

Install NA

Contingencies NA

Total $732,000.00