4,000 homes were destroyed in the wildfires that struck Oregon in September. While government agencies figure out how to distribute aid, Clackamas River Basin Council Riparian Specialist Ari Sindel learned how to use coconut-fiber “coir logs” to reduce run-off, protecting streams in the watershed from hazardous materials coming off of burned houses.
If you live in the Clackamas Watershed and would like CRBC’s help to control erosion and protect waterways, please email info@clackamasriver.org.
You can also donate to Replant the Riverside, and support our efforts to restore our burned riparian areas: https://www.facebook.com/donate/840372563405739/
On Giving Tuesday all donations are TRIPLE-MATCHED thanks to the WARN Employee Community Impact Project and Facebook for Charities.
Our thanks go to Cascade Geosynthetics for helping us secure the materials, and Franco Reforestation, INC. for the crew to get the job done. This project was funded by Portland General Electric through our “Shade Our Streams” program.