Crossing CL128

Clear and Foster Creek 2002 Fish Passage Assessment


Watershed: Clear Creek

Stream: T Clear Ck.

Road: off Springwater

Latitude: 45.376101635

Longitude: -122.4764693835

Elevation: 218 ft

Ownership: County

Fish Presence: fish present

Survey date: 07/30/2002


Crossing Description

Type: round culvert

Condition: +10.0 years left

Diameter: 66.0 in

Length: 31.0 ft

Crossing slope: -7.1 %

Avg. embedded: no material

Inlet design: non-mitered

Backwater drop: + 1.2 ft

Inlet elev: -0.2 ft

Avg. fill height: 7.4 ft

Road armor: gravel

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type: moderate gradient, moderately confined

Catchment acreage: 880

Avg. channel slope: 1.6%

Avg. bankfull width: 5.0 ft

Dist from Clackamas R.: 2.2 miles

Upstream fish-bearing length: 2.8 miles

Dominant channel substrate: none recorded

Comments: Altered streambed for 6-7 feet downstream. Saw red-legged frog. Solution – Inverted slope and slack water creates passable conditions at least for adults. Round culvert, embedded, 31 ft long. Could also be retrofited with downstream backwatering.

Prioritization and Cost Information

Fish passage: partial

Habitat priority: 30

Habitat and cost priority: 10

Fix solution: culvert w/ simulated streambed

Span: 6.0 ft

Material: metal

Design $3,500

Materials $4,099

Install $4,325

Contingencies $3,577

Total $15,501.00