Clear and Foster Creek 2002 Fish Passage Assessment

Watershed: Clear Creek

Stream: unknown

Road: Hillockburn

Latitude: 45.2252833334

Longitude: -122.3213783333

Elevation: 1152 ft

Ownership: County

Fish Presence: unknown

Survey date: 03/14/2001

Crossing Description

Type: round culvert/box

Condition: 1.0 years left

Diameter: 36.0 in

Length: 76.0 ft

Crossing slope: 1.7%

Backwater drop: + 1.0 ft

Avg. fill height: 8.0 ft

Habitat Description

Channel habitat type: none available

Catchment acreage: 56.0

Avg. channel slope: 4.2%

Avg. bankfull width: 6.0 ft

Distance from Clackamas R.: 23.0 miles

Upstream fish-bearing length: 0.0 ft

Dominant channel substrate: none recorded

Comments: Starts as 36 in pipe and ends as 36 in box culvert. Channeled into building, maybe well. Runs along 211. Recently chip sealed.

Prioritization and Cost Information

Fish passage: partial

Habitat priority: 77

Habitat and cost priority: 77

Fix solution: culvert w/ simulated streambed

Span: 6.0 ft

Material: metal

Design NA

Materials NA

Install NA

Contingencies NA

Total $135,000.00